University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center PCIT Training Program

What is Parent-Child Interaction Therapy?
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a short-term, specialized behavior management program designed for young children experiencing behavioral and/or emotional difficulties and their families. PCIT works with the child and caregiver together to improve overall behavior and to reduce parenting stress.
PCIT Training Opportunities
Treatment Options
Training for Professionals
The Oklahoma PCIT Training Team has been providing state-of-the-art training for over 20 years. We have expertise with families impacted by trauma, substance exposure, and developmental concerns. We offer PCIT therapist training, recalibration training, and training of trainers. We also provide consultation, technical assistance, and support for therapists locally, nationally, and internationally.
PCIT Services for Families
Children with challenging behaviors often have difficulty in home, childcare, public and school settings. Stress levels can be high for the caregivers and this can negatively impact the relationship between the caregiver and child. PCIT works with the child and caregiver to improve overall child behavior and to reduce parenting stress.
An evidence-based short-term treatment proven to enhance parent-child relationships & reduce behavior problems in the home, school, and public places
For families with a child 2 - 7 years of age with challenging behaviors or having experienced family disruptions
Counselors are trained to provide PCIT via in-person and in-home sessions and Telehealth platforms
Contact Us
OUHSC Child Study Center
1100 NE 13TH ST
OKC, OK 73117
Tel: 405-271-5700 x 45173